Dear Parents, Friends, Staff and Students of St Catherine’s,
Our annual Book Week Parade last Friday was amazing and it was wonderful to see so many parents and friends attend. We were blessed with beautiful weather for the second year running and the children had a great time sharing their costumes with one another and the gathered audience. It was a great way to conclude our celebration of Book Week.
Instrumental Night
We are so fortunate to have the music tutors we do at St Catherine's. Willian Qyerioz (guitar), Anne Maree Higgins (voice), Lucy Ho (piano) and Lucy Macourt (violin) work each week with students and it was fantastic to see these students perform on Wednesday night. Thank you to all the parents and friends who came to be audience members for these young musicians.
First Holy Communion
As a Catholic Parish Primary school, we work in partnership with the Adelaide Hills Catholic Parish to support young people and their families who participate in the annual Sacramental Program. Congratulations to Patrick, Joseph, Charlie, Vea, James, Sylvie, Liam, Charles and Kiyan, our students who celebrated the Sacrament of First Holy Communion at St Matthew's Church last weekend. It was wonderful to join with them and their families to acknowledge and recognise their next step in faith and I thank Fr Fred and Cathie Oswald from the Parish and Krystina Dawe and Kelly-Ann Kirby from the school who journey with these children throughout the year.
Congratulations to our debating teams who recently concluded this year's debating competitions.
Well done Sylvie, Xanthe, Xavier & Ivy who were our year 5 team and to Ellie, Clara & Lucia and Lucas, Lucinda & Nate who were our two year 6 teams. We are very proud of how you participated, developed confidence and improved each week.
2024 Year 5 and 6 Leaders Lab Programs
We are looking forward to sharing our 2024 Year 5 and 6 'Leaders Lab' Programs with families next Tuesday evening. We have an incredible program designed to support our senior students develop and refine their skills as confident and capable learners, providing a balance of academic, social and spiritual programs throughout their journey in year 5 and 6.
The parent information session starts at 6pm next Tuesday and is open to all parents who will have children in year 5 and/or 6 next year. We look forward to seeing you there.
Catholic Schools Music Festival
Preparation is well underway for this year's Catholic Schools Music Festival. The choir students have been busy learning songs and actions each week and today gathered with other 'performance night' schools at Loreto College for a combined rehearsal. St Catherine's choir students will be performing as part of the Music Festival at the Adelaide Festival Theatre on Friday 29th September.
Enrolment Intentions for 2024.
Whilst 2024 may seem some time away, we start the process of planning staffing and class structures now. We work hard to balance class sizes and new enrolment requests and therefore it is important that you let us know your enrolment intentions for 2024 before the end of this term. A 2024 enrolment intention eForm will be sent to all families via Audiri at the end of next week. Please ensure this form is completed by the end of term.
Student Attendance
There is significant research around school attendance and future life outcomes. Children and young people who do not attend school regularly miss out on planned learning experiences, sequences of instruction and class participation and the impact of this loss is compounded with each absence. Attending school every day improves a child’s future life outcomes and it supports their learning and wellbeing. Our reporting mechanisms on student attendance classify 5 - 9 days absent a term as 'Habitual' and 10 or more days a term as 'Chronic' absenteeism, which are indications that a child's learning progress is compromised. As always, we understand that children become unwell from time to time and ask that children that are unwell, do not attend school. Mindful, however of the impact several days away from school each term can have, I ask families to consider carefully ways to minimise absenteeism.
Father's Day Community Prayer and Stall
It was great to see so many dad's and significant mentors join our community prayer and morning tea this morning. Thank you for coming along and joining this community celebration. I wish all our dads a happy Father's day on Sunday and hope you are able to spend quality time with your loved ones.
Remember that Monday September 4 is a Pupil Free Day and we look forward to seeing children back next Tuesday.
Warm regards,
John Low