Dear Parents, Friends, Staff and Students of St Catherine’s,
Welcome to the 2023 school year and our first newsletter for the year. A very warm welcome to our newest families joining the St Catherine's community. We look forward to getting to know you and your child and working together to help them grow and flourish as capable and confident young people. It has been a fantastic start to the year with students getting to know their teachers and classmates during these first two weeks of term.
Throughout the holiday break we undertook several maintenance items at the school, including new carpet in the classrooms in our main building as well as some painting work at the front of the school. It is great to have these works completed and the buildings and grounds are looking fantastic. We turn our attention now to the repair and upgrade of our outdoor play equipment which we anticipate will take place in March.
This year we welcome the following new staff to the St Catherine's community:
- Jessica Barolo - Reception teacher
- Ashley Bell - Year 4 teacher (Term 1)
- Susan Lindholm - Year 4/5 teacher (part-time)
- Laura O'Connell - Year 6 teacher
- Nikki Snell - Speech Pathologist (Fridays)
- Rachel Vince - Occupational Therapist (Thursdays)
- Tanya Verrall - Curriculum ESO
COVID-19 Protocols
- COVID-19 continues to affect the community and we all have a part to play in keeping our school community safe and minimising the disruption to learning that can occur when illness circulates at school.
- Students/staff who are unwell should stay home if they have cold or flu-like symptoms and get tested for COVID-19.
- If students/staff have COVID-19, please advise the school as soon as possible, and stay at home until all acute symptoms (runny nose, sore throat, cough and fever) have cleared.
R-4 Water Safety Program
It has been an exciting week for our Reception to Year 4 students who have participated in Water Safety lessons at the Woodside pool each afternoon. The children have thoroughly enjoyed their time at the pool and we were blessed with good weather each day. Thank you to all the parent volunteers who were able to assist throughout the week.
1/2F Liturgy
Well done to all the students in Miss Foote's class who hosted the first liturgy of the year on Tuesday this week. The theme of their liturgy focused on welcome and community and Fr Fred spoke about how we can learn from the example of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in how we love and care for each other. A great message to start the year with.
Parish and School Picnic
As a Catholic school, we have a strong connection with our local Adelaide Hills Catholic Parish. Fr Fred Farrugia, the Parish Priest, visits our school weekly to celebrate Liturgies and Masses with the students. On Sunday 26th February, we are holding our first Parish School event for the year. The Parish School Picnic is held at the Oakbank Racecourse from 10am and is a wonderful opportunity for families to gather, meet new people and enjoy a range of activities. We look forward to seeing you there.
Parent Teacher Learning Conversations
Next week, Parent Teacher Learning conversations will take place across the week from Monday 13th to Friday 17th February. I am pleased to say that these meetings will take place face to face and this is an important opportunity for you to meet your child's teachers, discuss their character strengths, how they have settled into the year and what goals and aspirations you have for their learning this year. Parents should have received information about how to make a booking via Skoolbag last week. For any queries, please contact Cathy Fischle:
School Board
St Catherine's has a School Board consisting of the Parish Priest and Parish representative, School Staff and parents of the school. The School Board lies at the heart of a Christian community where all share in rights, dignities and responsibilities. The Board works towards this vision of community, striving to build a place where all people feel supported and valued. The School Board meets twice each term and members hold their position for two years. In 2022 we have four vacant parent positions on the Board. If you are interested in joining the School Board, please contact Sam Ellul ( for a nomination form. Nominations are due by Friday 23rd February with elections to be held at the AGM on Tuesday 28th February.
We are very fortunate to have a very active Parents and Friends team at St Catherine's, creating and coordinating various activities throughout the school year to build our school community. Our Monday Tuck and Friday Lunch very much depend on the support of our parent volunteers. I encourage you to consider being involved in what ever capacity you have, be it baking or donating goods, acting as the P&F class rep and so. Please take a moment to review the P&F Term 1 flyer which has everything you need to know about the work of the P&F HERE
2023 Learn to Play After School Sports Program Reception to Year 2
This year, children in Reception to Year 2 have the opportunity to participate in various after school 'Learn to Play' sports. There is a different sport focus each term. See details HERE
Further information regarding cost and times will be shared via Skoolbag throughout the year. For any questions about the program please contact Steven DeGiovanniello (PE teacher):
2023 Instrumental Program
If your child is interested in learning a musical instrument, details of the tutors who come to St Catherine's is available on our website HERE. For any queries, please contact Kathryn Thomson (Performing Arts teacher):
Term 1 Calendar
Our calendar of events for Term 1 was sent to all families via Skoolbag last week. If you have any queries about particular events, please contact Cathy Fischle:
Warm regards,
John Low
Together in Faith, Learning and Community
Upcoming Events
- Monday 13th to Friday 17th February: Parent Teacher Learning Conversations
- Sunday 26th February: Parish School Picnic at Oakbank Racecourse
- Tuesday 21st February: Shrove Tuesday
- Wednesday 22nd February: Ash Wednesday
- Friday 24th February: 2CF Assembly
- Tuesday 28th February: AGM