Our school uniform is a source of pride for our school community. It identifies our students as being a part of St Catherine's School.
The uniform is available from Hills Schoolwear located at:
The Homemaker Centre,
3/6 Dutton Street
Mt Barker SA
Phone 8323 6150
Limited second hand uniform is available. Enquire at the School Office.
Acceptable Use of ICT Agreement (Years R-2)
Acceptable Use of ICT Agreement (Years 3-4)
Acceptable Use of ICT Agreement (Years 5-6)
Bushfire Response Plan - Parent Information
CESA Safe Environments for All
Cybersafety: Keeping Children Safe in a Connected World
Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum
MacBook Air Loss/Theft/Damage Incident Report
Reporting Harm of Children and Young People
Responding to Online Safety Incidents In South Australian Schools
Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy (Archdiocese of Adelaide)